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A flowchart is a set of symbols put togther with commands that are followed to solve a problem

Each flowchart begins and ends with a terminator box
These terminator boxes are visualized via an oval

Input and Output

Algorithms need to output messages(such as text). They also need to take in data from the user
We store small amounts of data as variables. Variables are defined in parallelograms, similar to outputs which are also printed the same.
In the flowchart above, num is our variable. We take the input from the user and
output it to be displayed.

Processing box

Processing in a program talks about a change being made to something.
The table below shows different mathamatical operators that are used in processing boxes.
+Additionnum = 10 + 3
-Subtractionnum = 10 - 3
*Multiplicationnum = 10 * 3
/Divisionnum = 10 / 3
^Power ofnum = 10 ^ 3
MODModulus(remainder)10 MOD 3 = 1

flowchart for basic processing


A condition in a flowchart is a visual representation of a decision-making process.
They are represented using a diamond-ish shape. Following the syntax of
IS 'X' 'operator' 'y'?
For ex- IS num >count ?
flowchart for basic processing

Important questions warning

Input 10 numbers and output the largest number
flowchart for basic processing
We initialize 2 variables max as 0 among with a counter that we keep to measure the number of inputs
After letting the user input a number we use a condition to see if the number is less than the max value
If it is, then we set our number as the new max
The counter updates regardless. Count = count + 1 keeps adding 1 per input.
Finally, we check if our count is equal to 10. If it is then we can output max
If it isnt, then the flowchart loops back to the input step, where we are asked to input a number again.

Input 10 numbers and output the smallest number
flowchart for basic processing
We initialize 2 variables, count as 0 and min as 1000. We assume that 1000 is the boundary for the largest
input, since we cant use infinity, we use 1000. We then ask for an input. Check to see if our input is less than
the min, or 1000. If it is then we set the new value of min as our num. If it isnt, the count goes up regardless.
We finally check to see if count is equal to 10, if it is then we output the min. Otherwise the flowchart loops to
where we are asked to input the num again.


Pseudocode is the language that is used to display an algorithm
An output in pseudocode can use a command word such as OUTPUT, WRITE or PRINT. An input can use a command word such as INPUT.
similar to flowcharts, they need to be stored in a variable
OUTPUT "Hello World"
        num = INPUT


Selection uses the keyword IF and THEN. IS in flowcharts are replaced with IF and the ? with THEN
 IF age > 18 THEN
    OUTPUT("You are old enough")
    OUTPUT("You are not old enough")

Multiple conditions can be created using ELSEIF.
IF cost >= 100 THEN
 OUTPUT "That is far too expensive"
ELSEIF cost >= 80 THEN
 OUTPUT "That’s a bit too expensive"
ELSEIF cost >= 60 THEN
 OUTPUT "That is reasonable"
ELSEIF cost >= 40 THEN
 OUTPUT "That looks like a good deal"
 OUTPUT "I think that is too cheap"
Case... End case This is a different selection statement. CASE uses the keyword SELECT, followed by the variable we are checking.
Then it has the keyword CASE followed by the condition.
Selecting a menu choice of 1, 2 or 3
CASE 1: OUTPUT "You chose 1"
CASE 2: OUTPUT "You chose 2"
CASE 3: OUTPUT "You chose 3"


Iteration is a loop to repeat the section of code for a fixed number of times
until required outcome is achieved
A For loop is count controlled
 smallest = 9999
     FOR counter = 0 to 50
         INPUT number
             If number < smallest THEN
              smallest = number
     NEXT counter
answer = smallest * smallest
OUTPUT answer
A REPEAT UNTIL loop is condition controlled. This means the loop will run until the condition
at the end has been satisfyied.
 value = 1
     WHILE value <= 100
         value = value + value
OUTPUT value