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Expert systems

An expert system is a computerised system that attempts to reproduce the decision-making process of an expert human being
An expert system consists of several components. These components include: An expert system operates by prompting the user to enter certain data using the user interface, referring to the knowledge base
and using the inference engine to aid the decision-making process it is designed to simulate

Components of an expert system

expert system components

User interface

The user interface is the way that a user interacts with the expert system. It will guide the user about what data
they need to input into the expert system.

Knowledge base

The knowledge base is a database of related information about a particular subject. It allows the storage and retrieval of the knowledge
required for an expert system to operate. In developing an expert system, experts are interviewed to gather their knowledge in a
specific field. This knowledge is then used to build a database that is the knowledge base for the expert system.
The developers will want two types of knowledge from the experts, factual knowledge and heuristic knowledge.

Factual knowledge: is definitive and commonly shared among experts.
Heuristic knowledge: is derived from personal experiences and reasoning.

Knowledge base editor: a component of an expert system that is used to amend or update the knowledge base

Rules base

Rules base is part of the knowledge base. The rules base is a set of rules that will be used to produce an output or decision
by the expert system. These rules are used by the inference engine as a base for reasoning, to obtain a solution to a problem
or a decision. Each rule consists of two parts: the IF and the THEN.

Inference engine

The inference engine is the part of the expert system that makes judgements and reasoning using the knowledge base
and user responses. It is designed to produce reasoning based on the rules and the knowledge base. It will ask the user questions and,
based on their answer, it will follow a line of logic.
There are two main methods that an inference engine can use to simulate reasoning, these are backward chaining and forward chaining.

Backward chaining is based on goal driven reasoning. In backward chaining, the system tries to take a goal and
repeatedly split it into sub-goals that are simpler to achieve. The system starts with a goal or desired outcome and works backward
to find the facts that support that goal. It's like asking "Why?" to trace back the reasoning.
For ex: If the user reported flu, backward chaining would trace back to the rules and find, "IF flu THEN fever AND cough AND fatigue." Providing general symptoms of flu.

Forward chaining is based on data driven reasoning and is dependent on the data that it is provided with. The system will
take data input by the user and move forward from rule to rule to suggest a possible outcome. For ex if the user reports symptoms
like fever, cough, and fatigue, the app might use forward chaining to conclude,
"IF fever AND cough AND fatigue THEN it could be flu." forward chaining diagram

Explanation system

The explanation system is the part of an expert system that provides an explanation of how an outcome was achieved

Advantages of expert system

Expert system
Advantages Disadvantages
can provide answers to questions that are outside the
knowledge that you currently have
do not have the intuition that humans have. Their response
can only be a logical one and may not be useful.
Aids professionals by prompting them and guiding
them to look at areas of knowledge they may not have
considered or remembered
are only as good as the rules and data they are provided with.
consistent responses produced as
they are arrived at in a logical way
are expensive to create
can be used at any time cannot adapt a great deal to their environment
and may require the knowledge base to be edited
can arrive at a solution to a problem quicker than a human would

Applications of expert systems