Maslow |
Hierarchy of needs. |
McClelland |
Need for achievement, affiliation, and power. |
Locke and Latham |
4CF and SMART goal setting. |
Vroom's Expectancy Theory |
Motivation = expectancy * instrumentality * valence. |
Waal and Jansen |
Over half the growth in productivity in China comes from bonuses. |
Deci and Ryan |
Self-determination. |
Landry |
Autonomy controlling vs. autonomy supportive. |
Universalist Theories |
Great man theory/Great leaders are born, not made. |
Universalist Theories |
Charismatic leader/People with charisma are good leaders. |
Universalist Theories |
Transformational leader/They support followers to think for themselves. |
Behaviouralist Theories |
Initiating structure/Allocating tasks, creating groups, setting deadlines. |
Behaviouralist Theories |
Consideration/Expresses genuine concern for feelings of workers. |
Behaviouralist Theories |
Task-oriented/Leaders focus on completing tasks. |
Behaviouralist Theories |
Relationship-oriented/Focus on the well-being of the workforce. |
Heifetz |
Get on the balcony, Identify change, Regulate distress, Maintain attention, Give work back, Protect voices from below. |
Muczyk and Reimann |
Democratic leadership is only effective if followers participate actively in the decision-making process. |
Scouller |
Public, private, and personal leadership. |
Cuadrado |
Tested to see if people favored female leaders in the workplace. |
Kouzes and Posner |
LPI. Model the way, Inspire a vision, Challenge the process, Enable others to act, Encourage the heart. |
Kelly |
Followership. The sheep, yes people, survivors, alienated followers, effective followers. |
Tuckman and Jensen |
Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning. |
Belbin Theory of Team Roles |
Action-oriented, People-oriented, Thought-oriented. |
Groupthink |
Rationalizing, Stereotyping, Self-censorship, Mind guards, Pressure to conform, Unquestioned beliefs. |
Forsyth |
Sins of commission, Sins of omission, Sins of imprecision. |
Social Facilitation |
People perform better when being observed. |
Social Loafing |
People perform worse when being observed. |
Earley |
In-group/Out-group setting tested for collectivistic and individualistic managers. |
Tomezak |
Nearly 80% of organizations in the USA use some forms of electronic performance monitoring. |
Claypoole and Szalma |
Effects of EPM on vigilance and to see if video-based EPM is effective. |
Group Conflict |
Intra-individual, Inter-individual, Intra-group, Inter-group. |
Thomas and Kilmann |
5 modes to manage group conflict: Competition, Accommodation, Compromise, Collaboration, Avoidance. TKI used to measure behavior during conflict. |
Einarsen |
Bullying. Understand that there are many types of bullying. |
Hawthorne Studies |
Effect of light on productivity. Decreasing light level in the workplace slowly. Both groups (including control) showed an increase in performance. |
Oldham and Brass |
Employee motivation and satisfaction decreased after moving to an open-plan office. |
Knutsson |
Gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., higher with shift workers. |
Gold |
Tested habits of shift-working nurses. Night shift nurses 1.8 times more likely to report poor sleep. Shift workers had less sleep. 878 Nurses sample. |
Fox et al |
Token economy on mine workers. |
Dekker |
Reasons to monitor accidents: Epistemological (relating to knowledge), Preventative, Moral, and Existential. |
Swat |
Researched accidents in 4 factories. Insufficient supervision, poor workplace organization, worker error, and technical factors lead to accidents. |
Herzberg Two-Factor Theory |
Motivation is intrinsic. Hygiene factors are work conditions. There are 4 outcomes, permutations of each being high and low. |
Hackman |
Job characteristics affect satisfaction: Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback. |
Belias and Skikas |
Job rotation and enrichment. |
Job Descriptive Index |
Measures 5 aspects of job satisfaction: Experience, Salary, Promotion prospects, Experience of supervisors, and Experience of co-workers. |
Walton QWL |
Fair and adequate payment, Safe working conditions, Providing opportunities, Prospects for growth, and 4 more measures. Answer from a scale of 1-5. |
Dubois |
Workplace sabotage: Destruction of goods or machinery, Stopping production, or Slowing down production. |
Giancalone and Rosenfeld |
Reasons for workplace sabotage. |