Motivation and Leadership Theories

Theory/Study Description
Maslow Hierarchy of needs.
McClelland Need for achievement, affiliation, and power.
Locke and Latham 4CF and SMART goal setting.
Vroom's Expectancy Theory Motivation = expectancy * instrumentality * valence.
Waal and Jansen Over half the growth in productivity in China comes from bonuses.
Deci and Ryan Self-determination.
Landry Autonomy controlling vs. autonomy supportive.
Universalist Theories Great man theory/Great leaders are born, not made.
Universalist Theories Charismatic leader/People with charisma are good leaders.
Universalist Theories Transformational leader/They support followers to think for themselves.
Behaviouralist Theories Initiating structure/Allocating tasks, creating groups, setting deadlines.
Behaviouralist Theories Consideration/Expresses genuine concern for feelings of workers.
Behaviouralist Theories Task-oriented/Leaders focus on completing tasks.
Behaviouralist Theories Relationship-oriented/Focus on the well-being of the workforce.
Heifetz Get on the balcony, Identify change, Regulate distress, Maintain attention, Give work back, Protect voices from below.
Muczyk and Reimann Democratic leadership is only effective if followers participate actively in the decision-making process.
Scouller Public, private, and personal leadership.
Cuadrado Tested to see if people favored female leaders in the workplace.
Kouzes and Posner LPI. Model the way, Inspire a vision, Challenge the process, Enable others to act, Encourage the heart.
Kelly Followership. The sheep, yes people, survivors, alienated followers, effective followers.
Tuckman and Jensen Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning.
Belbin Theory of Team Roles Action-oriented, People-oriented, Thought-oriented.
Groupthink Rationalizing, Stereotyping, Self-censorship, Mind guards, Pressure to conform, Unquestioned beliefs.
Forsyth Sins of commission, Sins of omission, Sins of imprecision.
Social Facilitation People perform better when being observed.
Social Loafing People perform worse when being observed.
Earley In-group/Out-group setting tested for collectivistic and individualistic managers.
Tomezak Nearly 80% of organizations in the USA use some forms of electronic performance monitoring.
Claypoole and Szalma Effects of EPM on vigilance and to see if video-based EPM is effective.
Group Conflict Intra-individual, Inter-individual, Intra-group, Inter-group.
Thomas and Kilmann 5 modes to manage group conflict: Competition, Accommodation, Compromise, Collaboration, Avoidance. TKI used to measure behavior during conflict.
Einarsen Bullying. Understand that there are many types of bullying.
Hawthorne Studies Effect of light on productivity. Decreasing light level in the workplace slowly. Both groups (including control) showed an increase in performance.
Oldham and Brass Employee motivation and satisfaction decreased after moving to an open-plan office.
Knutsson Gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., higher with shift workers.
Gold Tested habits of shift-working nurses. Night shift nurses 1.8 times more likely to report poor sleep. Shift workers had less sleep. 878 Nurses sample.
Fox et al Token economy on mine workers.
Dekker Reasons to monitor accidents: Epistemological (relating to knowledge), Preventative, Moral, and Existential.
Swat Researched accidents in 4 factories. Insufficient supervision, poor workplace organization, worker error, and technical factors lead to accidents.
Herzberg Two-Factor Theory Motivation is intrinsic. Hygiene factors are work conditions. There are 4 outcomes, permutations of each being high and low.
Hackman Job characteristics affect satisfaction: Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback.
Belias and Skikas Job rotation and enrichment.
Job Descriptive Index Measures 5 aspects of job satisfaction: Experience, Salary, Promotion prospects, Experience of supervisors, and Experience of co-workers.
Walton QWL Fair and adequate payment, Safe working conditions, Providing opportunities, Prospects for growth, and 4 more measures. Answer from a scale of 1-5.
Dubois Workplace sabotage: Destruction of goods or machinery, Stopping production, or Slowing down production.
Giancalone and Rosenfeld Reasons for workplace sabotage.